Interlocking Tiles

Cushion Ease Kitchen Mat Tiles

Cushion Ease Kitchen Mat Tiles

With Cushion Ease Kitchen Mat Tiles you can easily create custom configurations on-site. The tiles provide exceptional fatigue relief.

• Resilient, 100% nitrile rubber
• Available 3/4" thick
• Large-hole drainage and maximum support
24/7 Drainage Modular Anti-Fatigue Mats

24/7 Drainage Modular Anti-Fatigue Mats

These comfort mats have a grease-resistant Nitrile rubber construction, which allows debris and moisture to drain through while still providing traction and superb comfort.

• Designed for heavy-duty usage
• Available 5/8" thick
• Available in 3' x 3' connectible pieces
• Available with yellow borders
CushionEase Ergo Anti Fatigue Mat Tiles

CushionEase Ergo Anti Fatigue Mat Tiles

CushionEase Ergo Anti Fatigue Mat Tiles are extremely comfortable floor mat tiles. A modular design makes them versatile while available ramps increase safety. Mats may be permanently bonded or un-snapped and reconfigured. A solid top surface makes them easy to sweep clean. Compatible with any of our CushionEase products. 3/4" overall thickness.
Comfort Deck Ergonomic Mats

Comfort Deck Ergonomic Mats

Comfort Deck Mats are comprised of 12" x 12" x 7/8" tiles, which can be heat-sealed together to form stock or custom size mats that act as high-performance ergonomic flooring and industrial anti-fatigue mats.

• Resistant to many industrial chemicals and fluids.
• Use at single workstations or cover a large area.
• High traction surface.
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